Have Openbox S9 or Openbox S10 trouble?
If you have an Openbox S9 or Openbox S10 that has trouble switching polarities.
You may want to read up on this.
Suspect this may also be related to the ocassional diseqc motor problem users have reported, and may actually fix that too once and for all.
For 58 cents it's worth a try.
I would paste a link but I think the forum here frowns upon that.
So rather than offend anyone, just Google "S9 Fix For The Low LNB Voltage"
and you will find plenty of hits describing the issue and the solution as posted by 'Pixl'.
I haven't had any such problems, but I've seen other users report issues, so I just ordered some from digikey for myself, just because.
Bottom line: PTC resettable Fuse F1 near the tuner, look at the original part,
if marked M60 065 -> bad
if marked JK60 065 -> good
Replacement Little Fuse part available from Digikey -> F1993CT-ND, 58 cents each.
Welcome to get Openbox S9, Openbox S10 on Regulation Technology website: rglssz.com