2012年4月19日 星期四

Wanna check if your OpenBox S9 is an original or clone?

Wanna check if your OpenBox S9 is an original or clone?
Let's have a try.
Read the following instructions:
This is the correct procedure to identify if your OpenBox S9 is an original or clone.
Openbox-S9 Set top box Satellite receiver openbox S9,openbox S9HD
Before you continue, make sure there is no smartcard inserted in the receivers card slot.
Here is an example of the CCID 0100: 98A1 the CCID is 98A1 which means the receiver is a genuine OpenBox S9
The first part [0100] is the CAID which can be ignored,
it only displays that as your also in the same section for accessing the smartcard info,
and without a smartcad inserted, the default will be 0100

Goto Menu -> Tools -> Information now press 7 7 7 7 7 7 on the remote.
[certain firmware may require you to press 8 8 8 8]
If the CCID is one of the following "00d0/00ea/085b/0d0c/98a1/98f2/9cf4/9d1a“ congratulatation,
your HD Receiver is original!!
so you may upgrade any new firmware to experience more new functions.

If your STB`s CCID is not one of the above.

Please do not upgrade any new firmware, otherwise your HD receivers will be killed!!!!!

I have openbox s9,both copy one and original one.
If you wanna get an original openbox s9, you can visit  China Electronics Wholesale-Online shopping web Scobuy.

